So glad you decided to travel over to the embarrassing self-promotion section of my website...I'll try to make this stop worth the click energy:
Five Verbs I Live By:
- Discover, Believe, Inspire, Cherish, Squish
Random Facts I Mostly Believe:
- Everyone needs a cat in which to share their daily qualms
- God created chocolate as an apology for menstrual cycles.
- Lefties are far superior in almost every way *cough*
- Stories are what make us and change us.
Embarrassing Truths:
- I was founder and co-president of a club called the "Health Nuts" in middle school. There were two members.
- In high school, my idea of romance was counting satellites from playground roofs.
- I was voted most likely to become a crazy cat lady living on a remote island. (Still working on this one)
Six Degrees of Separation from Fame:
- I've been sweat on by Chris Martin (before he was a megastar), Gord Downie, and Gavin Rossdale (before Gwen)
- I sat behind Jessica Alba on the movie set for the Love Guru and acted as an extra with Megan Markle before she was a princess
- Juno award-winning jazz artist and gracious friend, Laila Biali played, Your Love is Better Than Icecream, at my wedding
- I've had the privilege of interviewing both in person and on the podcast authors such as Carley Fortune, Tara Conklin, Lily Chu, Erica Bauermeister, Farah Heron, June Hur, and Katherine Center to name a few... go check out our podcast for details!
And now for the obligatory head shot and formal bit:

Tara K. Ross lives in the picturesque town of Eden Mills, Canada, where she writes in a cabin in the woods. She works as a school speech-language pathologist and mentors writers through her podcast and blog. She is blessed with a ridiculously supportive family that grants her time to create Up Lit stories about family and community. When Tara is not writing or editing sound files, you can find her rock climbing the Ontario escarpment, or planning her family's next great adventure. Learn more at
What else do you want to know? Let your gusts of curiosity open any page on my life story.
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